OVER 65? Call it a day.

This is the instruction from politicians, both local and national.

Retire from work, lock your door and vegetate in the house.

You have paid your taxes for 50 years — thank you very much, but do not expect anything back.

We will close bowling greens, never mind the health and social benefits to everybody so when you have all the time in the world you will have nothing to pass that time with.

Cancel bus passes so no one can get to the shops who do not have a car - at the same time as campaigning to stop older people from driving their cars - and have limited ability, and cancel TV free licences so retired people have to dig deep into what's left in their meagre pension pot in order to get any pleasure out of their life at all.

It doesn't matter what flavour the politicians are be it Labour or Conservative, Lib Dem or Green or Ukip, do not bother voting, as the establishment does not care a jot what the people want. They only care for their own political self interests rather than for the folk who put a cross in the box to put them into power in the first place.

And do not get me started on Brexit and the petty political infighting, instead of what is good for the country.

Perhaps another time because I really could go on for some time.

Derek Smith, via email