Dear PDSA Vet

My rabbit has matted fur around his eyes and he seems to be shutting his right eye, even though he’s awake. What could be the problem? Marion

Dear Marion, These symptoms are commonly caused by a dental issue such as an abscess in the rabbit’s cheek teeth, a scratch to the eye’s surface or a problem with the drainage of their tears. It could also be another problem like an allergic reaction or a respiratory infection, or even a bit of sawdust stuck in your bunny’s eye. This is why it’s important to clean out your bunny’s cage, and to use good quality dust-free shavings on the cage floor. You need to take your rabbit to see your vet to check him out as soon as possible. Your vet will assess him and let you know if they need to do any further tests or procedures, or prescribe medications to solve the problem.

Dear PDSA Vet

I have three cats who have always got on well, but more recently Boots has been biting Toulouse. So far it’s not caused her any harm but I’m worried in case it gets worse. How can I stop this from happening? Elise

Dear Elise, Cats are usually happiest living alone, as they are naturally solitary. Having multiple unrelated cats in one household can cause them stress, particularly if they didn’t grow up together. This is likely to explain your cats’ behaviour. The best way to resolve this is to have enough space for each cat. Provide one of each resource per cat, plus one extra. For you, this means at least four food bowls, water stations, litter trays, scratching posts and cat beds in your home. Additionally, try spreading these around the home as much as possible to give each cat their own space. You can also buy pheromone diffusers that can encourage cats to feel safer. If this doesn’t help, seek help from your vet who can offer you in-depth behavioural advice.

Dear PDSA Vet

My Golden Retriever sheds hair everywhere. It’s bad all year round but it’s a lot worse in spring. Is there anything I can do about this? Dominic

Dear Dominic, It’s normal for dogs to shed hair all year round, especially as most spend lots of time in centrally-heated houses. Grooming is a great way of keeping on top of fur-loss and long-haired dogs should be brushed every day. You can buy suitable kit from your local vets, pet shop or groomer. There are a variety of grooming brushes available to suit different coat types. For example, undercoat rakes or demat brushes can be useful for removing the fluffy undercoat or matted fur. A regular grooming routine is good for your dog’s coat and will also reinforce the bond between you. It’s also an opportunity for you to look out for any possible health problems, such as losing hair from some areas more than others, or if his skin becomes reddened or dry. These could be signs of an underlying problem and should prompt a visit to your vet.

Dear PDSA Vet

My cat got pregnant without us realising and had her kittens six weeks ago. How soon can she be neutered? Mark

Dear Mark,

PDSA strongly recommends neutering to prevent unplanned litters such as this, so it’s good that you are planning to get her neutered now. The timing depends on several factors such as your cat’s health and whether the kittens are weaned, so it is best to ask your vet for advice now as it’s typical to recommend neutering a couple of months after a cat’s given birth. It is also advisable for a new mother and her kittens to visit a vet for a general health check a few weeks after birth, so this is a good opportunity to ask about neutering, as well as general care for the kittens such as vaccinations, flea and worming treatments. For more information about neutering, visit